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Active Shooter incidents are part of today's world, sadly. History has shown that they can occur anywhere at any time (Who, in this area, had heard of Sandy Hook before that shooting had happened?). This must negate the false belief that “it won’t happen here.”
The A.L.I.V.E. Active Shooter Survival Training program not only provides the actions to take in an incident but the mindset one must have to greatly increase their chance of survival. This two-hour training session will break down the acronym A.L.I.V.E. (A-ssess. L-eave. I-mpede. V-iolence. E-xpose.) and help mentally prepare you to increase your awareness and chances of survival during an active shooter incident.
This free training session is sponsored for the benefit the Mohawk Area Church Association (MACA) congregations. It will be presented by Maverick Protection Group’s and MACA native Craig McKim.