Weddings at Bessemer Presbyterian Church

One of the loveliest occasions in the lives of two people is their wedding.  It comes as the culmination of their hopes and dreams and as the beginning of a new life together.  Our church considers the wedding service to be a deeply spiritual and sacred experience, “being instituted of God, regulated by His commandments and blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ.”  It is our desire to assist you in making your wedding as beautiful as it can be—a worship service that will be meaningful and lasting in your memory.

To this end, the Bessemer Presbyterian Church is pleased to extend the services and facilities of this church to all members, and to others, in accordance with the guidelines and suggestions listed below as approved by the Session.  

Christian Marriage:

The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA) describes Christian marriage as, “…a gift God has given to all humankind for the well-being of the entire human family. Marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, traditionally a man and a woman, to love and support each other for the rest of their lives. The sacrificial love that unites the couple sustains them as faithful and responsible members of the church and the wider community. In civil law, marriage is a contract that recognizes the rights and obligations of the married couple in society. In the Reformed tradition, marriage is also a covenant in which God has an active part, and which the community of faith publicly witnesses and acknowledges.”  (Book of Order, W-4.0601).  

Who Can Be Married:

So long as the couple meets the requirements of the civil jurisdiction in which they intend to marry, a couple may request that a service of Christian marriage be conducted by the Pastor, as an ordained minister of the Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).  The couple is required to receive instruction from the Pastor, who also reserves the right to marry only those couples who, in the judgment of the minister of the Word and Sacrament, demonstrate sufficient understanding of the nature of the marriage covenant and commit to living their lives together according to its values.  The Pastor is thus authorized, though not required, to act as an agent of the civil jurisdiction in recording the marriage contract.  

Use of the church building for such services, however, is under the authority and jurisdiction of the session of the church, which has authority to permit or deny its use for a particular marriage service.   

Further, according to the Book of Order, “Nothing herein shall compel a minister of the Word and Sacrament to perform nor compel a session to authorize the use of church property for a marriage service that the minister of the Word and Sacrament or the session believes is contrary to the minister of the Word and Sacrament’s or the session’s discernment of the Holy Spirit and their understanding of the Word of God.” (W-4.0605). 

The Nature of the Marriage Service:

In order to be married by the Pastor and/or at the church, it must be understood by the couple that what they are requesting of both the minister and the church is, first and foremost, a service of Christian worship.  As the Book of Order makes clear, "The marriage service shall be conducted in a manner appropriate to this covenant and to the forms of Reformed worship, under the direction of the minister of the Word and Sacrament and the supervision of the session. In a service of marriage, the couple marry each other by exchanging mutual promises. The minister of the Word and Sacrament witnesses the couple’s promises and pronounces God’s blessing upon their union. The community of faith pledges to support the couple in upholding their promises; prayers may be offered for the couple, for the communities that support them, and for all who seek to live in faithfulness.” (W-4.0603). Further, such services of worship shall include readings of Scripture, prayers, and a reflection on the Scriptures.  Additionally, no element of the service shall stand in opposition to the historic teachings of the Scriptures and the church.  

Officiating Minister(s)

In accordance with our understanding of the marriage service, all such ceremonies in our church building must be officiated by a licensed and ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament in good standing.  It is the standard practice that this service be performed by the pastor of this congregation, who has first priority in performing any service within the church building.  Ordained ministers from other churches may be invited to participate in the service along side the pastor of this congregation, if the pastor so approves in concurrence with the session, or to officiate the service in place of the pastor if the session of the church so approves, with the concurrence of the pastor. It is understood that, unless he or she chooses not or is unable to participate, the pastor will be present and a part of such services.  Others (ordained or not) may be invited to participate in the service through the reading of Scriptures, prayers, and the like.  “Officiating” is defined as presiding over the declarations of intent, exchange of vows, and announcing the marriage.  

Wedding Dates and Time

It is important to reserve the date and time of the wedding with your minister and to make sure the Church has been secured before any announcements or other arrangements is made.  The church cannot schedule a wedding or wedding rehearsal in conflict with established services or programs or in close proximity with previously reserved wedding dates or times.  A “Church Rental Agreement” form must be completed and submitted to the session for approval, along with payments, prior to the service.    


It is necessary to arrange for a rehearsal, except in small weddings with no attendants or when fewer than 15 guests will attend.  The date and time for the rehearsal should be reserved at the time the wedding date is reserved - typically the evening before at 6PM.  Wedding rehearsals should begin promptly and proceed in a dignified and reverent manner.  The rehearsal should last no longer than an hour and at least 90 minutes should be allowed for completion of the rehearsal before other engagements (rehearsal dinners, receptions, etc.) are planned


Considerable thought and planning have contributed to the design and decor of our sanctuary.  The furnishings and symbols make it a place of dignity and reverence, which should not be diminished by too elaborate decorations.  The following guidelines have been established:

  1. Simplicity of decorations should be followed.

  2. No decorations should be hung or suspended from lighting fixtures or ventilators. Please be certain that decorations including candle wax will not damage carpeting, walls, furnishings or equipment.

  3. Nails or screws should not be driven into any part of the building or furniture. There should be no carpentry work in the sanctuary.

  4. No fixed or secured furnishings may be moved. Other equipment or furnishings may be removed or moved only with the permission of the church’s pastor or the session.

  5. Removal of all decorations should begin within two hours of the conclusion of the ceremony. After removal, florists or other decorators should leave the sanctuary clean. All tallow (candle wax), adhesive materials and greenery should be cleaned and removed from pews, carpeting and woodwork.


The wedding ceremony is a sacred religious service.  This should be kept in mind as you plan.  It is preferable that music of a sacred character for such a service be used, although secular music whose lyrics do not detract from Christian principles may also be used.  The pastor or accompanist can give guidance on the selection of suitable music. 

The sanctuary of the church provides an organ, a piano and a sound system.  Space is available for a select number of other instrumentalists.  Music from any of the above means is allowed.  

Many couples prefer to leave the choice of music to the accompanist(s).  When this is done, the wedding music consists of selections that reflect the joyful nature of this worship service.  When special music is desired, the accompanist should be advised at least one month before the wedding date.  If the couple wishes to choose from the accompanist’s selections, a conference with the accompanist should be arranged no later than two weeks prior to the service.

If you are using an accompanist, it is customary to use the church’s accompanist.  Please contact him or her to make arrangements and let him/her know of your plans.  If you do not wish to use their services, or would like a guest to play, please ensure the Pastor and/or session knows of your plans to do so.

If a vocal or instrumental soloist or other special music is desired, the minister and accompanist should be advised.  Such music should be suitable for use in a service of divine worship. 

Wedding License

All those who wish to be legally married in the church building will need to apply for a marriage license.  Pennsylvania residents can do so at their own courthouse, or at the Lawrence County courthouse prior to the wedding.  For more information on the requirements, please contact the courthouse or visit their website at:   

Out of state residents being married at the church should request a marriage license within the state of Pennsylvania, ideally in Lawrence County.  As a reminder, marriage licenses in Pennsylvania require a three (3) day waiting period and are valid for sixty (60) days prior to the ceremony.   

If the Pastor is requested to perform a wedding out of state, he or she will need to be notified ahead of time so that they can check local regulations.  

Finally, those who have been united previously in a civil service can also request a Service of Christian marriage, although it will be clearly indicated in the service that the two have already been united legally in marriage;  Additionally, those who wish to have their union blessed but not be legally married may do so in the church; however, the language used in the service shall not indicate this is a legal marriage under the laws of the Commonwealth.   All such arrangements must be approved by the session of the church in concurrence with the Pastor.  


For couples of whom at least one is a member of the church, the Pastor will perform the wedding for free, although it is customary for a financial honorarium to be given.  For non-member couples, the fee for the pastor to perform the ceremony is $150.  Fees for the custodial work and for the rental of the building may be found in the Rental Agreement.  All fees must be paid the day before the ceremony, and will be returned should the ceremony not take place.  


If a reception is desired in the Fellowship Hall, the church secretary should be notified, the date and time reserved, and a Rental Agreement filled out and submitted to the Session.  It is necessary that the kitchen be returned in proper order and cleanliness after use.  


  1. Smoking is not permitted in the church or in front of the church. If you need to smoke, you may do so in the church parking lot.

  2. Absolutely no alcoholic beverages are permitted on the church premises at any time.

  3. No flash or strobe-light photographs may be made during the service. Such distractions are inappropriate for a service of worship. Such photographs may be made outside the sanctuary or following the service. Time exposures may be made from the back of the sanctuary.

  4. The bride’s party may dress in the overflow room of the Fellowship Hall. Groomsmen may use the upstairs overflow room to the right of the sanctuary. It is suggested that no valuables be left or stored in the church. The church cannot accept responsibility for any that are left or stored here.

  5. Damage to church property, a facilities or equipment as a result of negligence by the wedding party will be reflected to the couple for repair, restoration, or replacement as may be necessary.

  6. No rice, birdseed, or confetti may be thrown anywhere inside the church or in front of the church. Birdseed is suggested for use outside the church. If there is ice or snow, please do not use rice or birdseed as this provides for dangerous conditions.